
    HK SEMITECH is providing innovative new business model based on R&D, and
    supplying electrical & electronic components for automotive application with trust and safety.

    • Develop Supply Chain
      Based on Global Network

      - Strong Relationship with Global
      - Manufacturers and Distributors
      - Competitive Price and Stable Supply

    • Support Customer/

      - Co-Marketing for Customer/Supplier
      - Close & Strong Support
      for the Development Process

    • R&D + Develop Biz Model

      - Next Generation Model
      - Prototyping Development
      - New Customer and Supplier

    • Logistics and Inventory

      - Early Forecast and Stable
      - Inventory Management
      End-to-End Quality

    Quality / Logistic capabilities

    We provide stable logistics services based on our own logistics center and quality inspection.

    • ISO Certificate

    • Certificate Logistic Professional

      (Certified Professional Logistician(CPL), Korea)


    • Extensive experience in
      automotive development
      & Strong understanding

    • Professional system
      engineering support

    • Strong customer relationships
      through technical
      & professional development

    • Rich experience close to
      OEM & Strong finance